Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category
Monday, November 4th, 2013
It was the Catweazle Club’s 19th anniversary recently so here is the next episode in my continuing saga, The history of the Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club (see also The history of the Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club: Part 2).
In the last few years it has become something of a tradition (albeit a tradition invented and observed by me alone) to recount excerpts from the history of the Kaddiska Mu Stellar Club, an open mic on the planet Oxford in the Sopdet binary star system. (more…)
Tags: anniversary, Catweazle Club, Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club, Planet Oxford, Sopdet
Posted in Economics, History, Open mic, Science Fiction | Comments Off on The history of the Kaddiska Mu Stellar club part 3
Thursday, November 22nd, 2012
Right, so first I should probably mention that along with my compadre Lewis Newcombe I’ve been putting on a variety night called In The Spotlight. This takes place monthly on a Tuesday in the Albion Beatnik Bookstore and incorporates music, poetry, storytelling and improv acting. There’s also a regular drawing competition. More on this later …
For this month’s Spotlight I wrote an election-themed poem in honour of the world’s most important democractic constest (more…)
Tags: America, election, hobbit, Lord Of The Rings, presidential campaign, Tolkien, USA
Posted in Open mic, Poetry, Writing | Comments Off on Presidential election in the spotlight
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
How to teleport a hammer, by Miriam Sturdee.
Here in Moogieland we’ve been getting quite caught up in the excitement of the games, even going so far as to find out what trap shooting is.
In honour of the Olympian efforts of the world’s finest athletes, Moogieman performed a prose-poem at the Catweazle Club last night. Not about London 2012, however, but instead the 2013 Paranormal Olympics that took place in Encarnation, Paraguay.
The run up to the 2013 Paranormal Olympics did not take place in propitious circumstances. There was a state of high tension. The depression to end depressions had sliced and diced nations and societies in more ways than anyone could count; international relations were strained to breaking point. (more…)
Tags: occult, Olympics, Paraguay, paranomal, parapsychology, parascience, psionics
Posted in Sport, Writing | Comments Off on Moogie does the Olympics
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Well, not quite hot off the press as I started distributing them a couple of weeks ago.
The contest of the month is back. A fictional contest that is, in this case between Pythagoras and the Babylonians. It’s not actually a contest people can win as I have a bit of an aversion to those, having never won (more…)
Tags: mathematics, Moogie News, samizdat
Posted in Mathematics, Newsletter, Writing | Comments Off on May–June Moogie News hot off the press
Friday, March 23rd, 2012

The 4th issue of Moogie News is hot off the press. Well, photocopier as this A6 samizdat publication is hand written and drawn. Unfortunately we’re running out of space to include more than a few event listings and the flatpack merchandise promotion. Even the contest of the month (only introduced last month) had to be (more…)
Tags: Moogie News, round-up, samizdat
Posted in Newsletter, Writing | Comments Off on March–April Moogie News now out
Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

It might not seem like it given the lack of updates recently, but 2012 has got off to a busy start, as should be apparent from the latest edition of Moogie News – the pre-hot metal type newsletter.
Get your copy at Moogieman’s regular open mic appearances: Catweazle, The Harcourt Arms, George’s Jamboree and the Firry Mic. Or make a samizdat copy off a friend, or get in touch with Moogieman (preferably from a public phonebox) to arrange a pick up.
Tags: Moogie News, round-up, samizdat
Posted in Newsletter, Writing | Comments Off on Read all about it: plans for 2012 in Moogie News
Friday, December 23rd, 2011
A Christmas story written for the concert at the Isis Tavern on 17 December.
There are three wise-guys: Ego, Id and Superego. It’s the 25th of December, except they don’t call it that but something else expressed in a weird Babylonian base-60 number system. Id is peering through his OWL or overwhelmingly large telescope trying to observe Princess Salome taking a shower in Herod’s palace 800 miles away when he spots a strange star on the horizon.
Tags: Christmas, Freud, psychoanalysis, three kings, three wise men
Posted in Gig, Writing | Comments Off on The Magi and the Interpretation of Dreams
Tuesday, October 25th, 2011
Last Thursday was the 17th anniversary of Oxford’s legendary Catweazle Club. This is a semi-prose poem I wrote specially for the occasion.
There is an open mic.
There is an open mic in Oxford.
The planet Oxford that orbits the Sopdet binary star system in the western arm of the Eesar galaxy.
Today, the Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club is 17,000 years old and is thought by many to be the longest-running open mic in the local cluster.
Or at least this side of the Chiltern nebula.
Tags: anniversary, Catweazle, Eesar, Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club, prose-poem, Sopdet
Posted in Open mic, Science Fiction | Comments Off on The history of the Kaddiska Mu-Stellar Club